The Reserva Natural Palmari is aware of the need to function as a lighthouse guiding the path towards environmental protection, social responsibility, engagement towards life quality improvement based on environmentaly sustainable living conditions and various other policies regarding behaviour, respect towards nature, overall environmental and neighbour management under protective and cooperative parameters, based on these aspects, the Reserva Natural Palmari is supportive, loyal and expects our clients to respect and observe the following guide-lines:
Guide-lines & policy the Reserva Natural Palmari follows as to brazilian laws regarding indigenous tribes, own indigenous tribal regulations and visits to their tribal villages:
- Strictly obbey all indigenous laws, respect indigenous guide-lines and behaviour requests as well as all official brazilian regulations issued by the brazilian indigenous authority “FUNAI”.
- Allow vists of our guests and clients only to indigenous tribes, which do not reside inside officially maped indigenous tribal land.
- Treat the visited indigenous tribes with respect and according to their instructions and behaviour requests.
- Suggest to the indigenous people inside their villages not to organize and present fake "circus presentations", “shows” and “costume parades” outside their tribal way of living, but instead present themselves to the visitor as to their normal life routine.
- Pay to the indigenous the requested price for arts & crafts objects without negotiating their given price, further we suggest the visitors to pay a bit more, leave a decent tip and/or even a small present before leaving.
- Respect indigenous requests regarding behaviour, not offering any alcoholic beverages to any tribes-member, behaving nicely and shooting photographs in a humbly manner only with permition from the indigenous tribes-chieff “curaca” and/or “payé”.
- Any traditional medications, halucinogenic substances or similar may only be consumed by visitors older than 18 years of age, under their own responsibility and may not be negotiated and/or received as gifts to be taken outside the indigenous premises.
The Reserva Natural Palmari is aware of the need to function as a lighthouse guiding the path towards environmental protection, social responsibility, engagement towards life quality improvement based on environmentaly sustainable living conditions and various other policies regarding behaviour, respect towards nature, overall environmental and neighbour management under protective and cooperative parameters, based on these aspects, the Reserva Natural Palmari is supportive, loyal and expects our clients to respect and observe the following guide-lines:
Cooperation with non-proffit companies & non-governmental organizations & media television channels:
- The Reserva Natural Palmari holds a seat on the main board having full rights of voice and vote with the brazilian Instituto do Desenvolvimento Socioambiental do Vale do Rio Javari – IDSAVJ (www.idsavj.org), being an “OCIP” (NGO-like “Organisação Civil do Interes Público” - Non-proffit civil orgnization with public interest) working on behalf of sustainable life improvement and environmental protection regarding the region called "Valle do rio Javari" covering and comprising the valleys of the "Javari", "Itaquaí", "Ituí" , "Quixito" rivers and its many tributiaries.
- The Reserva Natural Palmari has constant contact, supports and involves itself with various proyects on behalf of investigative and protection work regarding neo-tropical sweet water mammals through the “Omacha Foundation” (www.omacha.org).
- The Reserva Natural Palmari founded, supports and handles directly the "Otters UP!" proyect, which deals with the investigative tasks and protection of the 2 species of otters, the giant otter (Pteronura brasiliensis) and the neotropicl otter (Lontra longicaudis); over time and progress we were able to invite to participate and become a part of this proyect of the specialized lboratory on molecular analysis "LEMVA" - Laboratorio de Ecología Molecular de Vertebrados Acuáticos (http://lemva.uniandes.edu.co/Contactenos.html) and the (UFAM) - Universidad Federal de Amazonas) university.
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- The Reserva Natural Palmari supports the investigative and protection proyect led by Tatyana Mariucha with views to obtaining her doctorandum degree and publishing this work in respect to the neo-tropical manatee (Trichechus inunguis), proyect that is also supported in paralel by the two universities UFAM - Universidad Federal do Amazonia (https://ufam.edu.br/) and Universidad do Acre (http://www.ufac.br/), all prior following the guide lines given by the INPA - Instituto Nacional do Pesquisas Amazonicas (http://portal.inpa.gov.br/).
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- The Reserva Natural Palmari confirms the presence of an active nest belonging to a couple of harpy eagles (Harpia harpyja) in the vicinity of our visitors centre, nest which we have listed in the "Projeto & Programa de Coservacao do Gaviao-real" which makes part of the official state institute "INPA" - Instituto Nacional do Pesquisas Amazonicas (http://portal.inpa.gov.br/) , nest which is presently and continously studied, observed and protected.
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- By chance, the botanic biologist specialized on hardwood trees, Dr. Pablo Palacios confirmed the presence of 2 individuals of adult rosewood trees (Aniba rosea), tree species that was harvested nearly to its extinction in pursuit of its rose-scented resin/oil for the perfume industry, trees we are now protecting and consolidating a proyect around them aiming to nurse and grow hopefully a high mount of saplings and young trees to be planted and dispersed in other regions where they are no longer present, all this together with Dr. Palacios, the suport of the Universidad Nacional (www.unal.edu.co) and hopefuly looking forward to also involve brazilian universities or other related institutions interested in this proyect.
- The Reserva Natural Palmari is considered a “base camp” for a huge variety of TV-channels (Discovery Channel, British Broadcasting Corporation - BBC, National Geographic, Deutsche Welle-DWTV, Travel & Living and other), nature filming firms and foundations (Jean Michel Cousteau´s “Ocean Future Society” (http://www.oceanfutures.org/) & "Endémica Studios" (https://www.endemicastudios.com/),and other as well as other organizations interested in spreading environmental protection and life quality improvement based on a sustainable use of natural resources, world wide.
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The Reserva Natural Palmari is aware of the need to function as a lighthouse guiding the path towards environmental protection, social responsibility, engagement towards life quality improovement based on environmentally sustainable living conditions and various other policies regarding behaviour, respect towards nature, overall environmental and neighbour management under protective and cooperative parameters, based on these aspects, the Reserva Natural Palmari is supportive, loyal and expects our clients to respect and observe the following guide-lines:
General guide-lines & policy the Reserva Natural Palmari expects to be respected by our visiting clients:
- Avoiding, and in case of noticing signs, inmediate reporting to our main administrator and pointing out to him any child pornography and any scenario or promotion related to it.
- Avoiding, and in case of noticing signs, inmediate reporting to our main administrator and pointing out to him of any scenario or promotion regarding drug consumption.
- None-usage and prohibiting the use of poluting types of soap, shampoo, insect repellents and other chemical products.
- “Catch & release” sport fishing policy.
- “Find, observe, respect, learn, leave undisturbed & be amazed, but never disturb & catch” wildlife observation policy.
- Prior to leaving, retrieval of personal waste and garbage brought by our guests.
- Compulsory prohibition to collect, retrieve and/or carry away of any specimen and/or part of it regarding wildlife & vegetation.
- Environmentaly protective behaviour during walks and rows under the guidelines of a “leave no trace” policy.
- None-usage of any type of spray cans, products packed under pressurized conditions or any other poluting merchandises.
Guide-lines & policy the Reserva Natural Palmari suggests to its clients:
- Donation of any amount of “environmental tax” regarding the out-turn of carbondioxide into the environment due to using transport conveyances such as airplanes, boats and motorized vehicles in order to get to the Reserva Natural Palmari, as described and suggested by various firms acting on behalf of such scenarios, which you can visit and learn about this new way of helping the planet through www.climatecare.com or www.carbonfund.org in order to make your travelling “carbon dioxide neutral”.
- Support economicaly through “Supporter” and/or labourly through “Lend a hand” the PNUD - Billion Tree Campaign – Plant for the Planet - Kajuyalí – Reserva Natural Palmari proyect-initiative “Sowing jungle” (“Sembrando Selva ©”) regarding replanting in areas that suffered selective retrieval of certain species of hard-wood trees and where now this initiative is growing and planting these endangered tree species.
- Donation of old clothing, toys, crayons, pencils, shoes, “hands-free” head-torches and hand-held torches as well as any other used domestic utensil and similar (Find the full list at "Wishlist"), which the Reserva Natural Palmari will distribute as presents in neighbouring or far-away communities.
The Reserva Natural Palmari is aware of the need to function as a lighthouse guiding the path towards environmental protection, social responsibility, engagement towards life quality improovement based on environmentally sustainable living conditions and various other policies regarding behaviour, respect towards nature, overall environmental and neighbour management under protective and cooperative parameters, based on these aspects, the Reserva Natural Palmari is supportive, loyal and expects our clients to respect and observe the following guide-lines:
Guide-lines & policy the Reserva Natural Palmari imposes on itself:
- The Reserva Natural Palmari maximizes to its ut-most possibilities the rotation of its work-force; all members of the staff at the visitors centre are hired locally, the 3 main department heads (main administration, catering & kitchen & rooming and tidyness) are the only one´s contracted on a long-term basis, while all other staff members (guides, assistance in the kitchen and pantry, tidyness and rooming girls, mantainance personnel, gardening staff, boat pilots, carriers, tool-pushers and other) are rotated on a 3-monthly basis aiming to grant the highest number of families of the neighbouring communities with an economic income - we call this our "policy of being a good neighbour".
- The Reserva Natural Palmari maximizes to its ut-most possibilities the shopping of local produce regarding our catering, pantry and kitchen needs (fruit, vegetables, manioc, spices, fish, poultry, nuts, palm fruit, natural oils, resins, etc.), mantainance materials (timber, palm leaves, resins, etc.), local transport conveyances (dug-out canoes, repair of long canoes, etc.), materials for the arts & crafts activities, natural dies for tatooing & painting and many other -we call this our "policy of being a good neighbour".
- Using of none-poluting, envirnomentally clean, "cero" or very low foam outturn products regarding soap, shampoo and insect repellent for our clients, as well as all other soap, room-cleaning, floor sweaping, linnen, towell and hammock washing, eco dish-washing products used at our visitors centre.
- We produce our own “compost” involving natural “Bokashi EM ©” in combination with all organic waste from the kitchen, wooden waste from mantainance, vegetation waste from gardening, its final result being a “compost-based” natural fertilizer that has consolidated and balanced all ingredients through a chemical process into a simbiosis creating a bio-active well equilibrated natural fertilizer, which is then integrated into the substrate used in the seed-beds of the “Sowing jungle” (“Sembrando Selva ©”) proyect-initiative, as well as any surplus beingt donated to fertilize the crop fields of our neighbouring communities.
- Use of the “live-effective micro-organisms – EM ©” product by adding this to all liquid and solid waste waters resulting from our showers, hand-washing basins, toilets, cloth & linnen & towell washing areas, meat & fish & poultry washing & cleaning sinks and other; the mixture of these specific types of micro-organisms that posess fermentive and bio-active capacities will create a chemical competition between themselves and the waste waters, creating antagonisms towards patogens and help sustaining an appropriate natural equilibrium between all these micro-organisms that live in the environment, bringing health, well-being and other positive effects to the surrounding substrate, hence the overall bioma.
- Granting free riverine transport to members of neighbouring communities whenever boat transport logistics to and from our visitors centre are planned and the boat-capacity allows it.
- Donation of a certain amount in cash money and/or building materials, as well as direct involvement in improving the life quality of our neighbouring communities by lobbying and gathering the villagers to work all together in cleaning their villages, construct facilities and infrastructures, repair and mantainance tasks (bridges, “farinha” houses, water acueducts, waste water treatment plants, septic tanks with sewage systems and other).
- Receive any species of wildlife delivered to us by foreigners, members of neighbouring communities or seen by members of our work team being miss-treated or badly kept, animal that is then checked veterinarily, taken through a de-contaminating quarantine period, prepared by a rehabilitation programm in order that it recuperates its natural habits as to its diet, ecology, social behaviour and other, finally then being set free by releasing it into its natural habitat or let it roam free and un-caged in or around our visitors centre to decide for itself if to leave for good or stay close to us.
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- Strict rejection and non-allowance to enter or stay in our visitors centre, as well as not providing any service, product or assistance requested by individual or groups of religious missionaries.
The Reserva Natural Palmari is aware of the need to function as a lighthouse guiding the path towards environmental protection, social responsibility, engagement towards life quality improovement based on environmentally sustainable living conditions and various other policies regarding behaviour, respect towards nature, overall environmental and neighbour management under protective and cooperative parameters, based on these aspects, the Reserva Natural Palmari is supportive, loyal and expects our clients to respect and observe the following guide-lines:
Guide-lines & policy of the Reserva Natural Palmari expected to be respected by volonteers & students & scientists:
- All volonteers, students and/or scientist on a long-term free of charge basis, have to teach or otherwise enhance the life opportunities of our staff at the visitors centre (f. i. teaching of basic english, environmental protection, sustainable life-style and other), work with and in the neighbouring communities (f. i. teaching environmental protection, sustainable life-style, prevention of disease out-break and spreading, waste & treated water management and other) or propose own proyects and “hands-on” ideas to acomplish during their stay.
Volonteers, students and/or scientists that visit the Reserva Natural Palmari on a long-term free of charge basis must stay a minimum period of 6 weeks and may stay a maximum period of 12 weeks.
Our own Grupo Travesías S. A. S. travel agency supports these volonteers, students and/or scientists by granting them the air-ticket Bogotá - Leticia - Bogotá, 2 short-sleeved official t-shirts, 1 long-sleeved official t-shirt and the Reserva Natural Palmari will add to this donation free of charge 1 pair of rubber boots "wellies", as well as full catering and accommodation at our visitros centre.
- Aside from all described above and all details listed in the foregoing paragraphs, each interested volunteer, student or scientist in this option must study thoroughly the following 3 links included in our web-site "Job opportunities" & "What to take" & "What not to take" in order to be conveniently informed.
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