We are looking for: young, dynamic men and women, age of at least 18 years, with good knowledge in English as well as good comprehension in either Spanish or Portuguese. IMPORTANT: for travelling to Brazil is to have a citizenship that does not require a brazilian tourism visa (if not, the volunteer needs to obtain this visa by himself before he arrives).job 01

Work tasks areas: reception, and briefing of the visitors; generally translating into English even during ventures, tours and excursions; responsible for checking the lodging and general tydiness as well as the quality of catering; cleaning and providing fresh fruit on the bird feeder platforms; cleaning and re-filling of sugar-nectar into the hummingbird feeders; assisting the kitchen and tydiness staff; paying attention regarding the punctuality of the visitors and tour guides regarding the activities; making lists of the names, dates of arrivals and departures, passport numbers; asking the visitors for a feedback before their departure; asking the visitors to please up-load a review in the "TripAdvisor" and other relevant Internet sites; inventory and ordering of specific products from the main offices (e. g. eco-shampoo, eco-soap, Nutella, marmalade); cooperation and assistance to the visitor centre administrator; getting in contact regularly with both the manager in Leticia and the general manager at the main offices in Bogotá D. C.

Period of stay: each volunteer has to plan for a minimum stay of 6 weeks and a maximum of 12 weeks; the volunteer will arrive at the Reserva Natural Palmari when still other volunteers are present, receiving instructions, learning and working together with them for a few days after which he will work on his own.

What do we offer:  Transportation from/to the airport in Leticia (Colombia) or Tabatinga (Brazil)  as well as from/to the river port of Santa Rosa (Perú) ; full board and lodging; work garment (2 short-sleeved t-shirts, 1 long-sleved shirt and rubber boots  - all, except one t-shirt that each volunteer may keep as a souvenir must be returned to the administrator of our visitors centre)

What do the volunteers have to provide:Flight ticket Bogotá - Leticia - Bogotá, rain coat or waterproof  jacket, "hands-free" head-torch (If possible with both white & red light!), private clothing, private medication and private equipment; we also suggest to have a look into the "What to take" and "What not to take" lists that we provide our guests for information.

Additional option: regarding administrative tasks, we are searching for volunteers over a period of 1 to 2 months in our main offices in Bogotá D. C.; we cannot offer lodging, but we are willing to discuss a small allowance for food and transportation.

Application documents: curriculum vitae including information regarding the level of englisch and other languages; passport personal data & photograph page, recent colour photograph in full body size; a letter of motivation; specification of the desired duration of the stay; regarding university students and vsa logo 117rother volonteers, which are interested in developing a social or a scientific proyect in order to complete the requirements regarding the finalizing of their high school or university career we need a copy of the proyect as well as an authorizing letter issued by the relevant university or educational center signed by the proyect head.

Applications to: GRUPO TRAVESIAS S.A.S., to the attention of Melanie Antoine-Feill (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.)  or all sent by courier to the address: Carrera 10 # 93-72 / Barrio "Chicó reservado" / Edificio "Palmarí" Oficina # 602, Bogotá D. C. / COLOMBIA


VOLUNTEERS ALREADY HAVING WORKED AT THE RESERVA NATURAL PALMARI (We depict only some very few as most of the volunteers "forget" to send us their closing report with a few photographs after leaving us...)